Archives for September 2013


Celebrities are individuals who are celebrated by others, fêted, as the French might say, for one reason or another. As such, they are examples of ways to be, in many instances exemplars or reflections of contemporary morality. They come to us from all walks of life, running the gamut from world leaders, entertainers and sports figures to so-called average people. Whether or not someone actually becomes a celebrity, however, is determined for the most part by those who have a say in the matter rather than by the individual himself. 

 Celebrity status is usually achieved through a combination of deeds done and images projected. And, there is also often another element present: role. Each can play out in any number of ways. My celebrity, for example, came as the result of a series of starring roles in films. However, it was the media’s interpretation of them that really put me in the spotlight. Some say that I was one of the first media darlings. Not so. There were many before me, going back to the time of the Pharaohs. I certainly had no leg up on the matter!

 Though celebrity as we now know it is essentially personality-driven, it is also often reflective of who we are internally. Viggo Mortensen, a contemporary actor, is an excellent example of this, a man whose inner self is very much present in all he does. He is, however, an exception. Unfortunately, many celebrities tend to be weighed down by their personalities. Indeed, in some instances it’s almost as though they are walking around carrying suitcases full of bricks!

In the world of celebrity, personality is often seen as being more substantive than soul.  Of course, just the opposite is true. There will be a demystification of the cult of personality in years hence when people realize the true beauty of soul and thereby become more conscious of the fact that everyone deserves to be celebrated, no matter how they have chosen to lead their lives. In the meantime, it is imperative that celebrities err on the side of inspiration and promote only that which is life-enhancing. They, like all of us, have a duty to perform: to act responsibly.” ~ Rudolph Valentino