Archives for January 2016

Valentino’s Spirit Guides

As chronicled by a number of his biographers, Rudy had an avid interest in spiritualism and the information he received, whether intuitively or through participating in séances and automatic writing sessions, was instrumental, he would say, in conducting his life. In fact, during his marriage to Natacha Rambova they both pursued channeling as a tool for enlightenment, and it was by this means that Rudy wrote and Natacha edited “Day Dreams,” published in 1923.

The two most frequently cited spirit guides are ‘Black Feather’ and ‘Meselope.’ In channeling my contribution to his legend, the posthumous autobiography, “Rudolph Valentino The Untold Story,” I decided to solicit Rudy’s reflections on how they impacted his life, then and now. ~ Wayne Hatford

BLACK FEATHER (Native American spirit guide)

Black Feather was the type who would tap me on the shoulder prior to any important life decision, as if to say “Rudy, is this really what you want to do?” He was a validator, therefore, of last resorts. Not him per se, but his imploring me to reflect placed me exactly where I should be: on the hot seat as emperor of my own domain for we are our only final arbiters, in all cases. Black Feather’s presence in my life also injected instinct, a most important element of Native American lifestyle, what their survival often depended on. So I followed mine, and was encouraged to by him, in direct communication and not, within and without.

He was a mentor par excellence et je suis fort reconnaissant du rôle qu’il a joué, (and I am very grateful for the role he played) often center stage. Merci, mille fois! (A thousand thanks!) We work together now which you should not be surprised to hear, as comrades and compatriots.

MESELOPE (Ancient Egyptian spirit guide)

A different story, as he and I did know each other once in incarnated life whereas that is not the case with Black Feather. Meselope was a scholar who advised me, a sounding board in the position I held under Pharaoh Horemheb, that of Vizier, the one you (speaking to the author) are also familiar with, where we sometimes walked the halls at night seeking shooting stars. Later he moved up the ranks to keeper of my scrolls, master scribe, overseeing others. So that life-time left a strong imprint on my soul and I carried the energy inside and, as I expressed Rudy, some of it appeared. Meselope knows how to anchor. That is how he helped Natacha and I when we called out to spirits to respond to our questions, held automatic writing sessions to create our book. He, too, is a trusted comrade.

Meselope carries the scent of ancient Egypt, incense, perfume, and along with that, the consciousness, great order and purpose of that society. For me, in that incarnation, it was truly a wonderful place to be alive. Oddly, he has an even stronger connection with Natacha having once been her father and then again her prince. His was an exemplary role in each of our lives. I remain eternally grateful to him and here we do also converse. What a solid, constructive force in the Universe, this is Meselope!” ~ Rudolph Valentino