Archives for May 2011


I want to express my heart-felt thanks to everyone (in the body and out) who supported this project since day one. I could not have birthed this book without you. I also want to thank the readers, those of you who, sensing a rapport with the material and its presentation, are taking the next step by purchasing it and finding out what’s inside.

Still marveling about Valentino Speaks finally being ‘out there’ in the world. It feels really wonderful. And, am delighted with the feedback thus far, which has been uniformly positive. Here’s to a long and productive life, if I can use that analogy. May Valentino Speaks be as helpful to you in the reading as it was to me in the writing!

“What is more priceless than sharing? To share is to love. It is that simple. In fact, each instance of sharing is an act of pure love, coming straight from the heart. Loving and sharing are synonyms, both God-like activities. Here again, gratitude is the attitude to have. Be grateful when you are able to share with others. Likewise, accept their gratitude for your having shared something with them.”  ~ Rudolph Valentino


More on Silent Film

“Let’s continue our discussion of the unique opportunities that silent film presents and also hope, at the same time, for a resurgence in its popularity. Could happen, you know. What’s old is often new, especially when we decide to look at it from a different perspective. Well, silence offers us an opportunity to focus. It narrows our attention spans, making us often more laser-like in our affectation. Lost we become in our eyes with the ‘word’ removed from the equation. Word, while powerful when combined with sight, is replaced in silent film with the phenomenon of music, a clearer and more definitive representation of vibration. The spoken word can divert sometimes, add complication ~ ambiguity, if you will, while the combination of a visual with music takes the viewer to a special place, dare I say to a context where the experience is heightened and therefore ingested, digested and excreted into something new, all within the speed of the eye of a gnat.”  ~ Rudolph Valentino




Valentino on Silent Film

Valentino comments about himself, his purpose, his relationship to silent film and that art form in general:

“As an actor, it was my express purpose to make people think and silent pictures, devoid of language except for intertitles and that which was primarily imagined, were wonderful vehicles for achieving that goal. Moreover, I was meant to be inspirational, to move audiences to a higher level of thought. What you may perceive of as entertainment, therefore, may instead be considered a form of advanced education.

There’s a purity evident in silent film that is second to none. The elaborate ruses, the exceptional muses, the shortest of fuses, all these can be depicted with fierce intensity, to an even greater degree than in talkies. Fact is, the eye sometimes catches more than the ear. This is a premise that I can ascribe to, especially given my experience in the movie industry. The eyes tell it all, on screen and off. Again, a narrowing of the aperture, that is what watching a silent film affords, in a way very much like meditation. Indeed, most of our dreams are like silent movies. Nothing need be said in order for them to be salient.” ~ Rudolph Valentino


Benvenuti (Welcome!)

Welcome to Voce Valentino Blog, a forum for musings of all sorts, with both myself and the essence of Rudolph Valentino as the sources, on any number of subjects. This includes outtakes and sidebars from past channeling sessions, i.e., things that did not make it into the book. Please feel free to comment, as you see fit, with the caveat that your remarks be respectful, and for the enlightenment and edification of all concerned.

Am delighted to report that Valentino Speaks is now available for purchase in both print and Kindle versions via and also may be ordered through any bookstore that has access to either the Ingram or Baker & Taylor distribution networks.

So what about channeling and, in particular, channeling Rudolph Valentino? I see myself as a ‘bridger,’ someone who is able to communicate cross-dimensionally.  I did it before, almost instinctively, when I channeled my previous book, Letters from Janice. With Valentino Speaks, however, my intention was all the more conscious and direct. That this phenomenon is even possible requires a suspension of disbelief, of course, but I suspect that because you’re reading this blog you have already decided to do just that! Please take a look at the article on automatic writing on “The Author Speaks” page for a better understanding of the process, also to get a sense of how the Valentino essence views it.

Incidentally, I am not the first person to channel Rudolph Valentino nor am I likely to be the last. The fact is that his is an energy that communicates in a variety of ways with lots of different people, maybe some of you ~ an idea that’s worth exploring. If you feel that somehow you have been touched by the spirit of Rudolph Valentino, please share your experiences!

What Rudy has to say in Valentino Speaks is simultaneously eye-opening, supportive, loving, consciousness-raising, witty, charming and evolutionary in scope. He tackles a wide range of topics with great aplomb, giving us ways of thinking about them that we might never have considered before. And, he does it with an open heart, just like an icon of love might be expected to do. This book is not a commentary on a life-time that was. Instead, it focuses on the NOW and is a compilation of one soul essence’s points of view, the distillation of the totality of his experience to date, in all times and places. “Le stelle non smettono mai di brillare” (stars never stop shining.) Truer words were never spoken, and this is especially the case where Valentino is concerned!