Archives for 2013

What Would Rudy Say?

Well, we have already found out, and more is in the offing! It’s been fascinating for me to team up with Rudy’s essence, his spirit on the Other Side, to produce  “Valentino Speaks” and “Going for Excelsior.” I’ve learned so much, both about myself and how the Universe works, in the process!

That said, a new book project has begun, yet to be named, that will focus on the Valentino phenomenon, his personal life, films, some of the people he knew, etc. Rudy’s observations, from his current vantage point and knowledge base, removed from the shackles of personality. In other words, the big picture, unfettered!

From time to time, I will keep you apprised of my progress. Cosa direbbe Rodolfo? Fra poco, sapremo! My goal is to publish the new material sometime in 2014.

Wayne Hatford



A salutation of Hindu origin, the Namaste is a ritualized way of greeting people. Reverential in nature, it is both a gesture of equality and an expression of good will. It is also a sign of respect, designed to acknowledge the divinity in each of us. 

Practicing the Namaste is a simple way to honor our fellow men and women. This gesture, consisting of a prescribed combination of physical movements, was crafted centuries ago to embody spiritual principle. It is accomplished thusly: with a slight nod and bow directed towards the person being greeted, we clasp our hands, thumbs against the chest while voicing this most precious of words. In so doing, we are also honoring the Creator, reflected in the individual now standing before us.

A form of spiritual shorthand, the Namaste is primarily soul-centered which is as it should be. Of course, the personality is also to be acknowledged, but at the same time it is well to remember not to become blinded or bedazzled, either by its glamour or a lack thereof. To practice Namaste is to see beyond the personality, to see the God within. 

Namaste is the sort of greeting that we would all do well to think about adopting even though our corresponding custom, the handshake, is also tangible evidence of mutual acknowledgment. Given that in many parts of the world the handshake is a long-held practice, it is likely, at least for the foreseeable future, to continue being the thing to do when people meet or greet each other. In the shaking hands, a brief sharing of energy also takes place, at times a very powerful experience. That said, however, the fact remains that a handshake is not the fuller kind of expression that Namaste tends to be. 

In our roles as fair witnesses to each other’s lives, the Namaste speaks to the footprints we all make in the sands of time. Some might go so far as to define its practice as royals greeting their peers, the implication being, of course, that we are all royalty. Truth is, my friends, we are! A Namaste to the East then ~ out of respect for that part of the world having conceived of this most perfect of gestures. Also to you, from my heart to yours.

During the shoot of “The Young Rajah, I sometimes practiced Namaste, mostly as a way to stay in character. Then it was but an atmospheric device, a nod, if you will, to the script. Now I see it for what it really is, a splendid way for us to honor each other’s presence.” ~ Rudolph Valentino


 What could be more desirable than for each of us to have our own place in the Sun? In seeking housing, what we each are looking for is an appropriate venue to stage our lives, a place to live where we can feel totally at ease to be our-selves. The perfect living space, therefore, is wherever we can grow and prosper. Which four walls, by reason of their construction, layout or orientation, will allow us to feel most balanced, the parts of self aligned? That, my friends, is a question worth asking.

When we discover a potential living situation that seems both inviting and supportive of who we are, it is a confirmation that we have found a dwelling place that will encourage our growth and development. A home, however, rarely is forever. Our needs change and, as a result, so do our living spaces. Therefore, we are likely to have a number of different abodes.

First and foremost, home is where the heart is ~ no exceptions. That is where we really reside rather than at a physical address. If we were ever to write to ourselves, we would need to address the letter in care of our heart. Hearth, like heart, bespeaks warmth. Far more than just somewhere to lie down, a real home allows us to feel both comfortable and secure. It must glow from within while also sheltering us from the storm. That hearth or fire energy be present, therefore, is a prerequisite. As a concept, home is at its most powerful when it encompasses both heart and hearth. All three make excellent company and are naturally at ease with each other.

As has always been the case, our homes are sacred. It behooves us then to treat them that way. They are literally both our temple and base of operation, a point of power that’s lovely to behold. Creating a space that we can call home is not a matter of money.  Rather, it’s based on attitude, ingenuity and the desire to do so.

Whatever your circumstances, it’s imperative to define your tastes on the home front. Therefore, be creative with what you have, making sure to express yourself in ways that clearly reflect who you are. I did and so should you!

Home is a big idea, one that’s not only all-encompassing but also rather immense. It is not simply about walls, roof or a floor. What makes a home a home is often more intangible than not. Where we live speaks to our sense of well-being. Our home functions as a safety net, the seat of our emotional, spiritual and physical support systems and, upon occasion, the dwelling place of our loved ones.

How we choose to arrange our belongings makes a statement about who we are too. Will our taste be reflected in an ornate mirror or represented by a few shards of broken glass? The choice, as always, is ours to make.

All home environments ought to be dedicated to the principles of beauty. Where we live, after all, is really the only place where we get to arrange all of the things we consider to be meaningful. Color, too, plays a part, each of us tending to have our favorites. Mine primarily were muted golds and reds, autumnal in nature. In living color, we tend to make ourselves all the more beautiful. No one really wants to live in a beige world.

Anytime we so desire, we can create a home space with as little as just one personal touch. There are travelers, for example, who like to rearrange their hotel rooms or bring a favorite item with them in order to infuse the places they stay with the spirit of home. In so many ways home is a state of mind, almost independent of bricks and mortar.

Our castles on Earth ought to be simple, elegant and comfortable ~ in perfect harmony with the four elements. Individual taste runs the gamut, of course, as well it should. In my case, the views were always paramount. I liked seeing the horizon each time I gazed through a window. Equally important was my desire to create some semblance of old-world flair wherever I lived, if nothing more than to remind me of my beloved Italy. I cite this merely as an example of personal taste ~ not as something to emulate. In matters of the home, each of you will have your own sets of issues and priorities. When it comes to decorating, however, one thing is for sure: our personalities will always have a go at it!

As far as layout is concerned, some floor plans are better than others. There must be flow, good feng shui, as it is now known. Houses that are designed with a center axis and wings on either side, for example, promote flow. This cross-shaped configuration forms two imaginary lines, creating a focus where they intersect.

Which would I recommend? The cross shape does allow for easy flow which is just one of its many reasons for being. But there are also many other equally valid floor plans.  Which feels most comfortable? The answer will vary from person to person.

In scripting our lives, our living space is one of the primary sets. Use it wisely. Not only is a home a place to live, it’s often a laboratory ~ we being both the subjects and perpetrators of the experiment. Home is where you can hang your hat and relax, whenever you would like to do so. If, however, you find yourself wanting to run out the door the moment you arrive, it’s a sign that something is amiss. Choosing an appropriate living space usually comes down to whether or not the environment in question embraces life. If it does, proceed. If not, I suggest looking elsewhere.

(Addressing the author) You saw my first home, the one where I was born ~ referring to my having visited Valentino’s birthplace, Castellaneta, Italy. You realized at the time that I must have felt like a bird living there, free to come and go in my flights of fancy. And so it is, for all of our living spaces. We must be able to go out as well as come in out of the rain.” ~ Rudolph Valentino


Cross Dimensional Communication

In this chapter of my life, because of personal experience and having written three channeled books, this concept seems like second nature. And, indeed it is! I contend that we are always communicating with those on the Other Side, some of us more consciously than others. Who are they? Friends, relatives, lovers, partners, husbands, wives ~ in short, anyone with whom we have agreements. Those we never met may also be included in the mix, as they may be involved with us for other reasons. Some of these sparks of energy (for that is what they are without a physical body) take on the role of spiritual guide, lending their support and participating in our lives to greater or lesser degrees, again, according to mutual agreement.

How does this occur? Mostly through the use of symbols, things we notice in our environments. Also via hunches, or words and phrases we may hear ~ out loud or in the silence of our minds. Those on the Other Side can be helpful in a myriad of ways, if we but stop, look and listen! Know, also, that when you call out to or think of someone in spirit, they will most assuredly get the message.

What is the nature of my connection with Rudolph Valentino? He, that is to say his essence, his spirit, and my own, have had several other collegial interactions throughout the eons which, because of their karmic nature, have provided us with an opportunity to collaborate, once again ~ this time without any power differentials. That is why working with Rudy to create “Valentino Speaks” and “Going for Excelsior” has been such an exhilarating experience! There’s been an incredible sense of poise and balance around both enterprises, what Rudy also exudes in thousands of extant photos taken of him during his life-time.

That said, our hope is that this work, these books, will, over time, contribute to the further normalization of this phenomenon! Così, ci vorrebbe!

Wayne Hatford