Archives for June 2015

Agnes Ayres

“My co-conspirator, for that is how we felt and even remarked upon while constructing the ‘Sheik’ films. We exchanged pregnant glances off set and sometimes on, when demanded by the director. Some would say my performance as the Sheik was eye-popping and it was that at times, again as the director so required. But, all in good fun!

Agnes was both very down to earth and quite a proper lady, though she also did not blush when there was a slightly risqué joke being shared. She and I discussed our roles a fair amount, especially during the second outing. I lament the chagrins she faced with her husband and personal life. Post-Sheiks, she apparently was high strung and had some difficulties reconciling her reality. This was not foreshadowed in our interactions; I was unaware of it at the time.

Agnes so graciously returned, as you know, for a small role in “Son of the Sheik.” I think our work together was solid and I shall forever be indebted to her for a great deal of my success or rather how I most impressed the public, which was in this vehicle, not my preferred means of conveyance but ultimately rather effective. There was never any romance between us yet we were able to play at that, hint of its existence in how we comported with each other. She remains in spirit but we are not in touch at the moment. Dear Agnes, such a formal name! She found herself in a position of great envy, breathing life into Mrs. Hull’s confection.” ~ Rudolph Valentino

(Excerpted from “Rudolph Valentino The Untold Story” ~ 2014)

A Rudy Postscript to “The Untold Story”

My most recent book, “Rudolph Valentino The Untold Story,” examines many of the personalities that surrounded him, his exploits, relationships, films and more. And it provides the reader with context, how Rudy perceived those people and experiences at the time, reflected in the mirror of NOW. The following comments were given to me recently, as a postscript. ~ Wayne Hatford

Vengono scritti già in questo secolo, anche nel passato, diversi libri che danno occhio alla mia vita, la persona che ero, e sempre sono, nel’Al di là...(Both in this century and the last a number of books have been written that examine my life, the person I was, and still am, in the Great Beyond.)

Has everything been explained? Did the authors detailing that life-time get things right? Yes and no. Each perceived it through their own lens, perhaps not so surprising. As a result, they have tended to ignore or fixate on certain aspects, sometimes both.

Did I want to tell all in “Rudolph Valentino The Untold Story” whose title implies that I did? No, Signori, perche questo sarebbe stato troppo facile. Invece, vi voglio far pensare, riflettere(No, because that would have been too easy. Instead, I want to make you think, reflect…)

But what this book reveals is a significant tranche of my essence as well as sanguine bits of insight and information. Not only that, it confirms and refutes conclusions that have previously been drawn. E più di nulla, sono molto lieto e volevo farvi capire questo. (And most importantly, I am, by nature, an ebullient individual and wanted you to understand that.) Some claim I was often despondent or melancholy, no, only rarely so. Sopratutto nel corpo di Rodolfo, ho bevuto la vita copiosamente, goccia per goccia. (Especially in that incarnation, I drank of life copiously, savoring every drop.)

Somehow I knew there was little time to waste!” ~ Rudolph Valentino