
“Going for Excelsior” will soon be available on Amazon.com as a print book, complementing the already published electronic version. The product of my third literary effort as a medium and second collaboration with the spirit essence of Rudolph Valentino, this book focuses on the senior experience ~ how to embrace where you’re at in your life, find hidden gems, turn up the voltage. Thriving in “Seniorhood” is about going beyond what’s expected or being directed at you by the host society and GFE provides the reader with the tools and understandings to accomplish that goal ~ a blueprint for active living!

Here is my definition of Excelsior:

Upward and onward, a state of being characterized by a constant striving for greater balance and integration that is predicated on an ever-growing awareness of multiple planes of existence, or the art of negotiating the Cosmos from the highest possible vantage point (encountering the apex.) To be able to do so requires a conscious breaching of the Veil, the demarcation line between the dimensions.

Also, the loose packing material that temporarily shields our souls for the length of each incarnation. Instead of brine, we’re packed in excelsior, what we perceive as skin which, because of its properties as both transmitter and transponder, enables us to transcend. As such, it acts like insulation, protecting us from harm but also allowing for entry and exit, not only for our souls when we are born or die but also for all other manner of vibration. Yes, our light shines through and we feel the light of others as it impinges upon this material. Were it not for excelsior, we would never be able to “be” in the body. Indeed, our skin is a personal version of the Veil, echoing it in form and substance. ‘Going for Excelsior’ is analogous to furthering infinity consciousness. ~ Wayne Hatford

